Join Sarah Hawk

Learn nine ways to create sacred space and bring balance to your being, reconnect with the natural world, and find deeper meaning for the events in your daily life. 

Once you have created sacred space, experience nine profound guided journeys that will take you into deeper aspects of your Soul and guide you into specific vibrational spaces to spiritual helpers that are available to you.

Sarah Hawk is the founder of Luminous Warrior, the creator of the Path of Power, a trusted advisor, powerful change agent, and a compassionate soul coach.

Be Supported by the Wisdom of Your Soul

  • Open sacred space in nine different ways to bring the Sacred into your everyday life

  • Access the wisdom of your own soul in four specific ways

  • Journey to five specific sacred spaces for receiving guidance on your path from your spiritual helpers

  • Connect with your spiritual helpers at any time, and deepen your relationship with each one of them over time

  • Activate more of your brainwaves and open more of your awareness in order to navigate your life more sacredly and increasingly more informed through the guidance you receive

Intentionally Align Your Actions with Intuitive Guidance

Sacred Space Creation is a fundamental and foundational practice to all healing work. It keeps the environment you work in clear of interferences and helps you stay energetically safe as you journey. 

Each of the Shamanic Journeys you learn in this course will help you navigate your life with deeper wisdom, either from the wisdom of your own soul, or through the guidance of your spiritual helpers. All guidance you receive will assist you with living, learning, healing and growing through more wisdom, possibilities, love and joy.

MODULE ONE (FREE): Meet Your Chakras

Create a Sacred Space for Your 8th Chakra and Meet Your Chakras, the main energy centers in the body that connect your pure energy to your physical body. There are seven chakras inside your physical body and one chakra that sits in your luminous field above your head but within your soul space.

In this 20 minute journey you will journey into each chakra and begin to develop a relationship with it. The more you practice this journey, the deeper and more refined your relationship will become with the information, healing, and gifts each chakra holds for you.

MODULE TWO: Meet Your Choices

Create a Sacred Space in Your Mind and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Choices, a 20 minute journey that allows you to move beyond what is in your conscious mind, and add the information that your intuitive wisdom holds.

Remember that journeys give you access to information that is not available to your conscious mind. However, this does not make the information necessarily more important than the information that is available through your conscious mind. It simply gives you more information.

Regardless of what information you receive, remember that the choice is still yours to make. Therefore, acknowledge the information that you already have, as well as the information you are receiving from this journey.

MODULE THREE: Meet Your Healer Guide

Create a Sacred Space of Gratitude and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Healer Guide, and connect to healers in the world of energy. These may be angels, ancestors, spirit guides, or healing energies that can come to you in many forms.

In this journey, you will connect to those healing energies that are around you energetically all the time. You will have a chance to connect with them, communicate with them, and ask them to heal whatever needs to be healed in your own life.

MODULE FOUR: Meet Your Power Animal

Create Sacred Space with Your Spirit Helpers and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Power Animal, a 20 minute guided journey to connect with energies that are pure and wild in nature, and that come in to assist you from time to time when you need extra strength or qualities to navigate life or a certain situation.

Some power animals stay with you for an entire lifetime, others are here to assist you as an ally while you work through a problem or a situation. Whatever the case, always make sure that the power animal that is coming to you in service to your soul’s path. While you can negotiate with power animals, it is you who is in charge of your soul. While you are grateful for the assistance of this wild spirit, you are not serving the power animal. The Power Animal is here to serve your soul.

MODULE FIVE: Meet Your Protector Guide

Create a Sacred Space of Sanctuary and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Protector Guide, a luminous being that is here to support you and keep you safe. This is not necessarily meant in a physical way, although they can give you hunches, feelings or gut instincts about your physical safety and wellbeing. Protector guides are meant for your spiritual or energetic well being so that you can be and feel safe in life.

Often times the biggest damage we do is to ourselves in the form of dense feelings or limiting beliefs. Protector guides can nudge you to align your vibration to more love and joy, thereby assisting you with opening up to your inherent potential and increasing possibilities in your life to learn, heal, and grow increasingly through love and joy.

MODULE SIX: Meet Your Higher Self

Create a Sacred Space of Gratitude for Your Body and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Higher Self, which already exists right now, just in a different dimension. By using your brainwaves and journeying techniques, you can access that reality, and you can integrate some of that energy into yourself right now. By doing so you are making yourself available to be in your healed and healthy state, surrounded by love, and aligned with your heart.

It’s an incredible tool to bring in the healed energies that are a part of you. It allows you to be your purest, truest, most loving and most kind expression in life, and to begin to align your actions, thoughts and choices with those vibrations.

MODULE SEVEN: Meet Your Celestial Parents

Create a Sacred Space of Connection and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Celestial Parents, luminous beings that have been with you since the beginning of time. They have seen you learn all the lessons that you came to learn on earth through all lifetimes, and they are also watching over you right now.

By reconnecting with your Celestial Parents, you can ask for their guidance and you can feel their love and support right now. They can also help you reconnect to what your original soul contract was coming into this lifetime.

Allow yourself to be completely open to receive the information that you need to be who you truly are, in your love and grace in this life.

MODULE EIGHT: Meet Your Ancestors

Create Sacred Space with the Four Directions and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Ancestors, in this 20 minute journey. Be reinitiated into your spiritual ancestry so that you know that you have a family there too, and you can draw on the power and wisdom in service of your soul’s path and the healing of the Earth.

These ancestors are not blood ancestors that you are familiar with in this lifetime. Rather they may come in many forms – sometimes shamans, healers, or guides. Sometimes these ancestors can also be ascended masters, or saints, or people who have been here before.

At other times, you have no idea who these beings are, so you may want to do this journey, as all others more than once. The more you journey, the stronger the connections get, and the stronger connections get, the more they are available to assist you in your everyday life.

MODULE NINE: Meet Your Shadow Parts

Create Sacred Space with the Shamans Call and take a shamanic journey to Meet Your Shadow Parts. Shadow parts can be light or dense. Dense shadow parts often have messages for us about healing and transformation, and the more we shove them aside, the more they come up in unwarranted situations.

We also have light shadows, which are traits we admire in others. Light shadows often hold gifts and strengths that we can integrate into our being instead of projecting them onto others.

In this journey you can set your intention to meet with your shadow parts —whether dense or light— and then work with it through healing, transformation, or strengthening to bring the qualities that you disowned into yourself for balance.

While challenging, doing shadow part work frequently can have a tremendous healing and healthy effect on your life and relationships, so it is recommended to journey to this space frequently.

You can infinitely repeat the journeys for the rest of your life. The information will change as time changes, and the more developed your relationship gets with each space, the more you are opening up the channels for these specific vibrations to come into your life even without journeying.

Shamanic Journeying Facilitates Deep Healing, Transformation, and Empowerment

Sarah Hawk

Meet Your Instructor

Sarah Hawk is trained to work with Healing Touch, therapeutic-grade essential oils, butterfly and mushroom essences, crystals, animal spirits, the Wisdom Teachings of the Essenes, as well as the Angelic and Archangelic realms. She is the founder of Luminous Warrior, the creator of the Path of Power, as well as the co-facilitator of the Brain Crystal Activation.

Sarah spent nearly six years studying energy medicine. She earned a certification as Master Practitioner in Energy Medicine and Luminous Healing. She also completed private brainwave development training with Anna Wise to ensure that her shamanic journeying and meditation techniques are measurably and consistently producing specific changes in brainwave activity that are appropriate for the healing at hand.

Sarah graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Maryland with a major in psychology, earned an MBA from Georgetown University, and spent nearly a decade as a senior change management consultant before beginning her entrepreneurial ventures. Sarah also is a formerly California-State certified rape crisis counselor, and she served several years as a Senior Trainer for Personal Safety and Emotional Self Care for Global Journalist Security. In addition, she was awarded the title Honor Guardian for Arlington Cemetery by the Mindful Memorial Foundation for her work to support Gold Star Families and their fallen service members who are buried there.

Sarah is a native speaker of both English and German. She has been featured on Blogtalk Radio, Active Life DC, Unleash Your Voice, Galtime and Transformation 365. She has authored two ebooks and has written several articles in English as well as German, ranging from self defense to energy medicine.

When Sarah is not coaching, strengthening, supporting or guiding others, she enjoys laughing, dancing, singing, meditating, going for walks, being inspired through music and children’s books, deepening into her own soul space, and connecting to her soul family all over the world.

Sarah Hawk

Students Love Sacred Space and Shamanic Journeys

Mary Anne O'Halloran

5 star rating

“Wonderful journeys really healing and inspiring. I will continue to use these journeys to grow and hold sacred space with the universe. Thank you for your teachings.”

“Wonderful journeys really healing and inspiring. I will continue to use these journeys to grow and hold sacred space with the universe. Thank you for your teachings.”

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This powerful nine part course includes:

  • 9 profound guided Shamanic Journeys

  • 9 processes to create sacred space

  • Deep spiritual wisdom experienced

  • Immediate access to the course to begin your journey

  • All materials and journeys downloadable for you to continue to deepen your practice over time

These Journeys are Timeless Gifts