Join Tricia McCannon

 Pull back the Veils of Spiritual Mastery and reclaim the lost wisdom of the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

 Learn the Seven Steps of Spiritual Alchemy and how to tell where you are on that path. Put the principles you learn to work in a practical way, opening up the space for a profound change to take place, both within yourself, and also for our beloved planet Earth.

Tricia McCannon is a mystic and a scholar, and she has done the work for you of compiling years of research of the ancient texts, legends, hermetic symbolism, and her own experiences to explain the true meaning of Spiritual Alchemy and the balance of the Masculine and Feminine.

Begin Your Journey into the Way of Balance:

  • Understand the important partnership between the male and female energies.

  • Explore how the Templar Knights and the Christian Cathars, two groups dedicated to a more balanced vision for the world, tried to protect this sacred wisdom.

  • Discover how the teachings of the great Master Jesus honored the Abba-Amma or Divine Father-Mother of all Creation.

  • Understand what Spiritual Alchemy, the Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Holy Grail have in common.

  • Learn the Seven Steps of Spiritual Alchemy and how to tell where you are on that path.

  • Put the principles you have learned to work in a practical way, opening up the space for a profound change to take place.

Begin Your Alchemical Process

Awaken a Deeper Level of Awareness Within You!

FREE! The Dualistic Universe


This opening presentation introduces the Yin and Yang, or male and female energies that create flow in all the Universes. It defines the powerful polarities found in all of us, including their many strengths and weaknesses.

It explains the fundamental task that lies before all of us to balance our heads and hearts, logic and intuition, thinking and feeling natures in the two hemispheres of the brain, as we strive to achieve balance and harmony in our lives.

The Roles of Men and Women in the Ancient World


Today we live in a world ruled by the patriarchy, but this was not always so. For thousands of years humankind knew another way of being. This way was a Way of Balance and partnership between the male and female energies. At this time the Creator of All was worshipped as the Divine Mother, and men and women ruled together without any war on the planet.

Like men, women held many wonderful roles. They were scholars, teachers, athletes, musicians, writers, warriors, counselors, prophets, and civilization makers. So this module gives us a look back into a more balanced way of being, and begins to chart the history as this gave way to the dominance of the Greeks, Romans, and Catholic persecution of the Sacred Feminine.

The Cathars and Templar Knights Try to Save the World


Trace how the wisdom teachings of Jesus emerged in the doctrines of the Templar Knights and the Christian Cathars, two groups dedicated to a more balanced vision for the world. Starting with the Albigensian Crusades of 1209, we introduce this highly aware group of Initiates who had preserved the secret teachings of the Master in a volume called The Book of Love.

This book was sought by the Catholic Church so that it could be destroyed and suppressed. The Cathars lived in male-female partnerships, taught a path of spiritual awakening and love, and sought to live by the teachings of the great Master Jesus. They were finally silenced by the patriarchy of the Catholic Church

The Templar Story


The teachings of the great Master Jesus honored the Abba-Amma or Divine Father-Mother of all Creation. Thus, as students of his powerful wisdom, the Knights Templar honored the existence of the Divine Feminine, not only as Mary the Mother, but also as Mary Magdalene. They understood the Magdalene to be the true wife of Jesus, and thus the wisdom teacher who was the female Christ.

Knowing the wrath that this knowledge could unleash on them from a male dominated Catholic Church, they kept this knowledge secret. But the powers that be that have long controlled this world would not stand for this deeper wisdom to emerge, and thus set out to again destroy any voices who would champion the feminine spirit.

Inner Alchemy


What is Spiritual Alchemy and what do the Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone and the Holy Grail have in common? What were the Medieval Alchemists trying to achieve? And what does it have to do with the teachings of the Master Jesus, the masculine and feminine forces, and the Way to the Path of Enlightenment?

What are the Seven Steps of Spiritual Alchemy and how can we tell where are on that path? And once we achieve it, what are the benefits to ourselves and the world? This powerful fifth segment brings it all together as we pull back the Veils of Spiritual Mastery.

The Earth in Balance


Because we are a planet out of balance, our world is in trouble. So how can we find a way to restore what has been lost, create greater flow and harmony, and make a difference in the world today? How do our individual and collective choices change Earth’s trajectory, and put us back onto a course with the Divine Flow of life itself?

This last installment allows each of us to put the principles we have learned to work in a practical way, opening up the space for a profound change to take place, both within ourselves, and also for our beloved planet Earth

The deep wisdom contained in this course is invaluable to your spiritual journey.
All course materials are downloadable and yours to use as you continue on your path.

Learn the Seven Steps of Spiritual Alchemy

Tricia McCannon

Meet Your Instructor

Tricia McCannon is an American mystic and best-selling author of five books including Angels: Personal Encounters with Divine Beings of Light, Jesus: The Explosive Story of the 30 Lost Years and the Ancient Mystery Religions, and Return of the Divine Sophia: Healing the Earth Through the Lost Wisdom Teachings of  Jesus, Isis, and Mary Magdalene.

As a Keynote Speaker, she speaks on a variety of subjects to include Awakening the Divine Feminine, the Egyptian Mysteries, and the Lost Years and Secret Teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Tricia is the Director of the Phoenix Fire Mystery School, the Founder of the Gnosis Learning Institute, and a Bishop in the Madonna Ministries. Trained as an initiate in many ancient streams of wisdom, including the Celtic, Egyptian, Far Eastern, and Native American traditions, she brings the Mysteries of Shamanic mastery into simple, accessible terms.

Raised in a traditional Episcopalian home, Tricia blends the wider perspectives of history, mysticism, science, archaeology, and spirituality with her own unique warmth and wisdom, making her a powerful bridge teacher for thousands worldwide. Visit to learn more.

Tricia McCannon


Praise for Tricia McCannon's courses

Shana Hornstein

5 star rating

“I want to thank Tricia for sharing this amazing course. Learning about the Godess and divine feminine opened up my eyes to the lost wisdom of a very important chapter in history. It affected me in a profound way. It was so exciting I finished the ...”

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“I want to thank Tricia for sharing this amazing course. Learning about the Godess and divine feminine opened up my eyes to the lost wisdom of a very important chapter in history. It affected me in a profound way. It was so exciting I finished the whole course in one day. Thank you again❤❤❤”

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kira davidson

5 star rating

“fabulous, was mesmerized, couldn't breath I was so filled with wonder, indescribably captivating”

“fabulous, was mesmerized, couldn't breath I was so filled with wonder, indescribably captivating”

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Kana Koinuma

5 star rating

“Thank you for packing so much information and wisdom into one course. So much of it resonated very deeply in my heart. Truly enjoyed every segment.”

“Thank you for packing so much information and wisdom into one course. So much of it resonated very deeply in my heart. Truly enjoyed every segment.”

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Jennifer Gehl

5 star rating

“Beautiful images convey the deep and rich symbology of our path to mastery, and Trish's explanations are easy to follow as well as informative and wise.”

“Beautiful images convey the deep and rich symbology of our path to mastery, and Trish's explanations are easy to follow as well as informative and wise.”

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5 star rating

“I have enjoyed the course of Mary Magdalene and The Return of the Divine Goddess very much. This course is a must for both women and men to get in touch with their Feminine Divinity to balance with their Masculine Divinity to complete the Christ ...”

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“I have enjoyed the course of Mary Magdalene and The Return of the Divine Goddess very much. This course is a must for both women and men to get in touch with their Feminine Divinity to balance with their Masculine Divinity to complete the Christ Consciousness within. ”

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This powerful six part course includes:

  • 3 hours of visually stunning videos personally taught by Tricia McCannon

  • Riveting and little known facts about the importance of the Sacred Marriage for our spiritual growth

  • Hermetic symbolism and esoteric knowledge of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine

  • Deep spiritual wisdom explained. Yes, you will understand what you have always felt!

  • Separate audio transcripts of all videos for ease of listening on the go

  • Immediate access to the course to begin your journey

  • All materials downloadable for you to enjoy and learn at your leisure

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