Meet Sarah Hawk
Sarah spent nearly six years studying energy medicine. She earned a certification as Master Practitioner in Energy Medicine and Luminous Healing. She also completed private brainwave development training with Anna Wise to ensure that her shamanic journeying and meditation techniques are measurably and consistently producing specific changes in brainwave activity that are appropriate for the healing at hand.
Sarah graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Maryland with a major in psychology, earned an MBA from Georgetown University, and spent nearly a decade as a senior change management consultant before beginning her entrepreneurial ventures. Sarah also is a formerly California-State certified rape crisis counselor, and she served several years as a Senior Trainer for Personal Safety and Emotional Self Care for Global Journalist Security. In addition, she was awarded the title Honor Guardian for Arlington Cemetery by the Mindful Memorial Foundation for her work to support Gold Star Families and their fallen service members who are buried there.
Sarah is a native speaker of both English and German. She has been featured on Blogtalk Radio, Active Life DC, Unleash Your Voice, Galtime and Transformation 365. She has authored two ebooks and has written several articles in English as well as German, ranging from self defense to energy medicine.
When Sarah is not coaching, strengthening, supporting or guiding others, she enjoys laughing, dancing, singing, meditating, going for walks, being inspired through music and children’s books, deepening into her own soul space, and connecting to her soul family all over the world.
Sarah Hawk

Meet Sarah Hawk